Gluteal varices
In the posterior compartment of the thigh,
the femoral vein communicates directly with the valved ischial veins (caudal gluteal). Their perforating veins, which are responsible for gluteal varices, may be derived from:
- ischial veins,
- the profunda femoris vein, these two systems communicating with the internal iliac vein,
- superior rectal veins and hemorrhoidal veins which drain into the inferior mesenteric vein, which belongs to the portal system.

Further reading
Varices périnéales
Bergan J.J., Yao J. Venous disorders, W.B. Saunders Company, 1991.
Varices vulvaires
Dixon J.A., Mitchell W.A. Venographic and surgical observations in vulval varicose veins. Surg Gynecol Obst, 1970, 131
Lechter A., Alvarey A., Lopez G. Pelvic varices and gonadal
veins. Phlebolo , 1989, 2: 181-8.
Varices fessières
Lefebvre D., Bastide G., Vaysse Ph., Roux R., Joly R. Connexions veineuses intra et extrapelviennes. Étude anatomique. Phlébologie, 1989, 42: 385-9.
Van Der Stricht J., Van Oppens C. Where do vulvar varices come from ? Phlébologie 89, J. Libbey Eurotext, 1989 473-5.